Tadlock Auction

(562) 941-8602 Platinum member since Aug 30, 2017

About Tadlock Auction

We offer a variety of services to help you liquidate one piece or a warehouse full! “¢We BUY quality inventory from your home one piece of entire houseful......
“¢We accept CONSIGNMENTS of quality New, Used, Vintage & Antiques items one piece of truck load......
“¢We CONSIGN/BUY your family estates...
“¢We CONSIGN/ONSITE SALE for Unclaimed storage inventories...
“¢We conduct AUCTIONS for personal property abandonment's, commercial property abandonment's, warehouseman's, or lien.
“¢We BUY/CONSIGN/ONSITE SALE for Closeouts, excess inventory, liquidations and returns.

For info or questions on our services give Crystal or Trevor a call 562 941-8602

Service areas

Based out of Norwalk, CA

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