Joe Bradley Auctioneers
About Joe Bradley Auctioneers
We conduct major business & personal property auctions, autos & estate sales we're able to provide both remote online or onsite auctions as we have all the necessary equipment and staff to provide a safe and effective sales atmosphere. We conduct auction's to liquidate any kind of asset.
ON-LINE ESTATE SALE If you are looking for an online solution with a nationwide audience to liquidate your personal property without the hassle of 100’s of strangers going thru your personal items then we can help, If you only have a few estate items we have a centrally located warehouse where we hold your assets with others to create one large event.
We are able to provide Off and On-site sales.
Restaurant equip., Tools, Machinery, Cars, Motorcycles, etc.
We offer the following services:
Auctioneers and Qualified Staffing
On Site Disposal and Liquidation Services
Moving and Storage Facility
Extensive Online Promotion through On-Line Bidding
Complete Management of your Auction/Sale.
Service areas
Based out of Bonita, CA
Services Offered
- 2
- 5
- 6
Memberships & Associations
- National Auctioneers Association
- Licensed Auctioneer (0447296)
including but not limited too: Framed and signed art work, Millard Sheets 1981; “ Market Conversation“ Patzcuaro - Mexico, framed signed, Linda Le Kinff (La Pie Voleuse Glaza Ladra) Serigragh in Color Signed in Ink approx. 45" x 34¼" Bohemi...
This company has posted a total of 50 estate sales. Only the most recent 1 sales are shown.
Joe!Jodi Kodesh
You were so great to work with. Very nice, and professional. I will keep your information on hand, and hopefully we’ll get to work together in the future.
- Jodi Kodesh
Thank you Joe for such a wonderful experience. Our 1st annual school auction is still in the infancy stages and you took us to the next level. We look forward to using your services for as long as we have auctions. Your professionalism and they way you engage the crowd was incredible. Thank you for taking the time to work with us and help us make our auction the best auction it could be!lIGHT HOUSE ACADEMY
- Stacey Odell
Lighthouse Christian Academy
Lemon Grove, CA